Diaper Bank
The intent of this organization is to provide diapers, free of charge, to the greater Genesee County area for the purpose of reducing and/or eliminating the negative aspects of the consequences of the limited supply of diapers to a family. This is based on the reality that there is no subsidy by any state or federal agency to help offset the cost of these needed items.
There are 4,500 children under the age of three that live beneath the poverty level who will benefit from this program within this county.
With your donation you will be able to help us reach the main four goals:
Provide between 1 million to 1.3 million diapers free of charge to the community annually
Have a distribution network that can that can efficiently and appropriately distribute diapers while maintaining the integrity of the program and eliminating misappropriation.
Maintain a Structure that has no administrative costs so all funding passes into gifting.
Develop a funding network to guarantee the long term viability of the entity.
We know in Genesee County one out of three families struggle to buy diapers. In the City of Flint, that number is higher than our country, state, or nation.
In some Flint neighborhoods, the poverty rate is over 80%

Between 1 million and 1.3 million diapers will be given to families in Genesee County this year through a joint effort of businessman Philip Shaltz and The Food Bank of Eastern Michigan.
Shaltz founded the nonprofit Flint Diaper Bank in partnership with Angie Hendershot of ABC12 News to provide the diapers free of charge.
Contact US
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