thank you, sponsors!
Diapers are a necessity - as essential to a baby's health and well-being as food, shelter, and as a parent's love. And no federal or state program provides diapers or funding to help purchase them. Many babies are forced to stay in diapers for days, increasing the risk of diaper rash, infections, neglect, and even child abuse.
When families can't afford diapers, they can choose between buying diapers and paying for food, rent, or utilities like heat. That's a choice no parent should ever face.
Our goal is to collect enough money through sponsors, donations, and grants to provide one million diapers to needy families in every corner of our community each year. And thanks to some of our generous sponsors, we have maintained that commitment for the past ten years - even through the pandemic - the Flint Diaper Bank operations with zero administrative costs. Each penny raised goes to our cause. Every diaper stays in our community.
Our Sponsors
Without our generous sponsors, none of this would be possible - Thank you!

Premier Security Solutions Company Inc.

Skaff Carpet and Furniture

United Way of Genesee County

Southfield Gold and Diamond

Modern Concrete
Hurley Medical Center

Randy Wise Automotive Team

Mass Transportation Authority

Hamilton Community Health Network

Blue Cross Complete of Michigan

Signs by Crannie

Health Alliance Plan


AG Bishop

Item Title
Community Foundation of Greater Flint


UAW Region 1-D

Children's Foundation

Item Title
Williamson Family Trust

AmeriHealth Caritas Services LLC

Charger Properties

Terry Matlock School of Performing Arts